to such special meetings as may be called for that or any other
purpose ; and shall keep an account against the collector, for
the sums authorized to be collected, and for other sums paid
into his hands, and shall give him credit for the sums legally
paid by him, also, for his legal commissions, and for such taxes
as cannot be collected by legal steps and proper diligence.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That the said collector shall have
the keeping of all the funds of said school, subject to the Writ-
ten order of a majority of the trustees, drawn in favour of per-
sons having claims against said school ; and he shall report to
said trustees, whenever required, the amount of funds in his
hands, and a full statement of his accounts, and if at the end of
the year an unappropriated balance should remain in his
hands, the trustees shall consider it as part of the revenue of
the succeeding year, and make a correspondent reduction in
that year's taxes.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all the white children of
said district shall have the privilege of being taught in said
school free of any charge for tuition ; Provided, that children
living in said district having property elsewhere, not taxed for
the support of schools, and none in said district, or whose pa-
rents have property thus situated, shall be subject to a charge
for tuition, if in the opinion of the trustees, such children or
their parents, are able to pay such charge ; Provided also, that
no scholars are to be furnished at the expense of the district,
with books or stationery, except such as the trustees think
unable to furnish themselves : And also provided, that the
trustees shall have power to expel any scholar from said
school, for continued and exfraordinary misbehaviour.
Free and
pay scholars
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees to make a report to the commissioners of the school
fund of Queen Anne's county, before the tenth day December
every year, in which report shall be stated the sums received
from different sources, the amount expended, the number of
children taught in said school, and as far as can be ascertained,
the whole number of white children in said district between
the ages of six and sixteen years.
Trustees to
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this act,
shall be extended to any primary school district of said county,
whenever a majority of the taxable male inhabitants of such
district shall determine upon adopting the same ; and in that
case, the trustees of such district shall have power to levy a
sufficient sum for building or repairing a school-house as occa-
sion may require ; and when the division line between the
two primary school districts, runs through any tract of land,
the whole of said tract shall be taxed for the use of the dis-
trict in which the principal dwelling-house on said tract is
Other dis-
tricts pro-
vided for.