io the commissioners of primary schools, for each primary
school, as directed by the act aforesaid, shall be equal to the
highest sum allowed by the said commissioners of the school
fund to any other school in said county.
dividends of
school fund.
SEC. 2. Repealed. See 1830, ch. 73.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That upon the apportionment
among the different counties of this state, of the dividends
which have accrued, or may hereafter accrue, on the bank
stock pledged for purposes of education, the treasurer of the
western shore is hereby authorized and directed to pay an-
nually to the commissioners of the school fund, for Queen
Anne's county, such portion of the said dividends as may be-
long to said county, and the said commissioners shall apply the
same as they are directed to apply [to] the other sums men-
tioned in this act to the support of the primary and other
schools aforesaid.
Levy for
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in erecting or repairing a
school-house in any primary school district of said county, ac-
cording to the act passed December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and sixty-two, the sum
to be raised for that purpose, shall be levied on all the taxable
property of said district, whether belonging to residents of the
same or non-residents.
AN ACT to explain the second section of the Act, entitled, an Act to pro-
vide for the support of Schools in Queen Anne's County, and to with-
draw the Funds from the Centreville Academy. — 1830, ch. 73.
WHEREAS, it appears to this general assembly by the votes
and proceedings of the last session of the legislature, that the
second section contained in the act to provide for the support
of schools in Queen Anne's county, and to withdraw the funds
from the Centreville academy, was stricken out, but the same
was retained by mistake in the engrossment of the bill by the
clerk, without noticing the amendment : And whereas, the
governor signed and sealed the bill as prescribed by the con-
stitution, and is now published among the laws of the last
session with the section stricken out contained therein ; to
remedy which mistake,
Section to
have no
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the second section contained in the said printed law shall have
no force or effect whatever ; and the treasurer of the western
shore be and he is hereby directed, to pay to the trustees of
the Centreville academy, in Queen Anne's county, the dona-
tion in the same manner as before the passage of the said act.