entitled, 'an act for the valuation of the real and personal pro-
perty in the several counties of this state,' to re-value and
re-assess the real and personal property within said county,
An ACT to authorize and empower the Levy Court of Queen Anne's
County to Assess and Levy a sum of Money for the purposes therein
mentioned.— 1808, ch. 47.
to bailiffs
and con-
SEC. 1. Be if enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the bailiffs and constables of Queen Anne's county, while
attending the county courts, shall each receive two dollars for
every day he may attend the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for every warrant of a
criminal nature, issued by any justice of the peace, and served
by any constable, the constable so serving the same, and pro-
ducing the person against whom the warrant issued, before
competent authority, and executing the determination thereof,
shall be entitled to receive fifty cents for his services ; and that
the several sums contemplated to be paid by this act for exe-
cuting criminal process, if supported by proper vouchers,
shall, by the justices of the levy court of Queen Anne's
county, be assessed and levied on the assessable property of
the said county.
The fees to constables have been modified by subsequent general laws.
See Index to the 'Public General Law,' word 'Constables.'
1794, ch. 25, see ante page 1763.
An ACT, entitled, an Act relating to Officers' Fees in Queen Anne's
County.— 1833, ch. 197.
Lists di-
rected; pub-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty
of the clerk to the levy court of Queen Anne's county, to make
out a list of the several fees which the civil officers, viz : the
clerk of the county, register of wills, sheriff, coroners, magis-
trates, constables, &c. of said county are entitled by law to
receive, and give the said list the same publicity as is given to
the levy list of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the said clerk shall
have performed the duty required of him by this law, the
levy court are hereby authorized to allow him such compensa-
tion therefor as they may think him entitled to receive over
and above his other compensation, not exceeding the sum of
fifteen dollars for copying and publishing five lists, being one
for each election district.