SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the sum of money, when so
levied and collected, shall be deposited in the Planters' Bank
of Prince George's county, and a certificate, signed by the
clerk of the county court, expressing the number of days
which any bailiff may have served, and the sum due to him fo'r
such service, shall be a sufficient authority to the cashier of
To be de-
posited in
said bank to pay the amount so specified in the said certificate.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the said justices of the levy
court shall annually settle and balance their account with the
said bank, and the surplus, if any, to be applied by the said
justices to the use and benefit of said county.
with bank
to he set-
tled an-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That until the said sum of money
shall be levied and collected, the justices of the levy court of
said county, shall, and they are hereby authorized, to defray
the allowance to bailiffs of the said county court out of any
money or moneys deposited in the Planters' Bank of Prince
George's county, to be drawn therefrom by a certificate signed
by the clerk of the county, in the manner above directed.
Until levy
in mode
how to be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That hereafter the bailiffs of said
county court shall be entitled to the sum of two dollars each,
per day, for their services, and no more.
AN ACT to facilitate the collection of Taxes due upon Lands in Prince
George's County, belonging to non-resident proprietors. — 1827, ch. 110.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the present, future and former collectors of the tax for
Prince George's county, be, and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to sell and dispose of at public sale, having
first given sixty days notice by public advertisement, set up at
the court-house of said county, and four other of the most
public places in the county, and in the National Intelligencer
in the District of Columbia, of the time and place of such sale,
a sufficient quantity of timber in one parcel, growing on the
same acre or contiguous acres of the land, suitable for cord-
wood or fence rails, to satisfy and pay all taxes due, or which
may hereafter become due on lands belonging to persons who
do not reside in said county, and the said collector, at the time
of such sale, shall give a certificate to the purchaser or pur-
chasers of such timber, of such sale, stating .the quantity and
quality of such timber so sold, and shall also make return to
the levy court of the county, at their next meeting, which
return shall be recorded among their proceedings.
may sell
timber to
taxes; re-
turn ac-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons pur-
chasing any timber sold by virtue of this act, shall at any time
within twelve months from tho day of sale, having full power
and authority to enter upon the lands upon which the timber
to cut and
carry away
the same.