adjournment without day, or from any other cause whatever, it
shall be lawful for said managers, or any one of them, to renew
such notice at any time thereafter, and whenever the citizens of
said district, shall assemble in pursuance of any such notice, a
majority of those present may adjourn from time to time, as oc-
casion may require, and at any such meeting authorized as afore-
shall attend.
said, occurring one in each and every year, the manager resident
in said district shall attend, and a majority of the citizens pre-
Elect three
sent shall choose by ballot, three sensible and discreet persons as
trustees, to manage the concerns of such school district, and said
meeting shall designate a site for a school-house, vote a tax on
the property in such school district, sufficient, in addition to the
proportion of the school fund allotted to such school district, to
Fix school-
house site.
purchase, lease or rent a site for a school-house, to build, lease
or rent and keep in repair said house, to supply fuel, books,
stationery and furniture, to pay the salary of a teacher and all
Change of
other necessary expenses ; Provided however, that no location
of a school-house shall be fixed upon, unless the same be ap-
proved by a majority of said managers, and no change shall be
made after such school-house shall be built, but by consent of
a majority of the said managers, unless a majority of the said
managers consenting thereto, all the expense incurred by
making such change, shall be defrayed by donation, or by
levies authorized to be made by a majority of the citizens of
such school district, upon the assessable property therein.
tion of such
Report pro-
SEC. 9. And be it enqcted. That all meetings of citizens of
school districts held for the purposes aforesaid, shall be organ-
ized by appointing a president and clerk, pro tempore, who
shall take minutes of the proceedings, specifying particularly
the amount of tax voted by said meeting, and deliver the same,
certified under the hands and seals, within ten days after such
To be
recorded .
meeting to the manager of the election district, in which such
meeting is held, to be by him delivered to the clerk of the said
managers and by him to be recorded in a book to be kept for
the purpose.
Levy of
school dis-
trict tax.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That all tax to be voted by the
free white citizens of any, and every school district in said
county, under and by virtue of this act, shall be levied on all
the assessable property in said district, agreeably to the as-
sessments of the late preceding county tax excepting never-
theless, the property assessed to and actually owned by free
Case of col-
lector find-
ing no pro-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That when any land, in any
school district in said county, may become chargeable for the
payment of any school tax, and the collector can find no per-
sonal property in said school district liable for, or chargeable
with, the payment of the same, the said collector shall return