the first Monday in July next, and on the first Monday of July
in each and every year hereafter, to make such distribution
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said levy court do ap-
point, on the first Monday in April next, three discreet persons
as school commissioners in each of the said election districts in
Montgomery county ; and in the event of a vacancy occurring
by death, resignation, or removal out of the district, or other
cause, within the year, of one or more of said commissioners,
then the levy court shall at its first meeting thereafter, fill up
such vacancy from the district in which it shall have occurred.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said
justices of the levy court to enumerate and make out a list of
the proper objects in each district as pupils, to be educated
out of the dividends, and other funds, and such other means as
the general assembly may hereafter appropriate from time to
time, together with the names of the parents or guardians of
such pupils, which list shall be filed in the office of the clerk
of the levy court.
Lists of
proper ob-
jects as pu-
pils to be
made out.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore cause to be paid to the order of the levy court of Mont-
gomery county, on the first Monday in July next, and on the
same day annually thereafter, the amount of the dividends of
said free school fund, as derived from stocks so invested,
together with the incoming portion of the fund, and the divi-
dends of such other funds as may be hereafter appropriated by
the general assembly for county or free schools, and to which
Montgomery county may be entitled, the same to be applied
by the commissioners, or their successors, as heretofore pro-
vided, and in the manner now directed.
Amount of
dividends of
fund to
be paid.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Montgo-
mery county shall meet at Rockville, in said county, on the
first Monday in July of this year, and on the first Monday of
July in every year hereafter, and shall then furnish the afore-
said commissioners of schools with a full list or lists of all the
children whose parents or guardians shall claim the beneficial
aid of these funds, designating the district which they reside
in ; which lists the levy court shall obtain by previous notice,
in such way as they may deem most judicious.
Levy court
to meet,
and furnish
and Of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners so ap-
pointed, shall meet at Rockville in said county on the first
Monday in July of every year, to receive said lists and appor-
tionments of dividends or funds, and they shall assemble at
some convenient place in their respective districts, on the first
Monday in August annually, and shall forthwith provide a
school or schools for such pupils, and in the event of the com
missioners in any election district failing to meet on that day,
from sickness, or other unavoidable cause, then the commis-
sioncrt to
meet to re-
ceive lists.