SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a certificate signed by the
clerk of the county court, expressing the number of days
which any juryman or state witness may have attended said
court, and the sum due to him for such attendance, shall be a
sufficient authority to the said collector, to pay the amount so
specified in the said certificate.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said collector shall
annually settle his account with the said levy court, for the
moneys which he may have collected under the provisions of
this act, and pay over to the said levy court any surplus re-
maining in his hands, which surplus, if any, shall be applied
to county uses.
The local laws for their protection are merged in 1824, ch. 53, ante
page 803.
See title 'Commissioners of Montgomery County,' ante page 2032.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT to establish Magistrates' Courts in the several
Counties of this State, and 10 prescribe their Jurisdiction, so far as the
same relates to Montgomery County. — 1838, ch. 278.
to settle
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of May next, the justices of the
magistrates' court, in and for Medley's, or the third district of
Montgomery county, or a majority of them, shall hold their
monthly court, for the said district, at least once in every
month, at Poolesville, and Barnesville, alternately.
1823, ch. 161, merged in 1831, ch. 281, ante page 1035.
1787, ch. 16, see 'Harford County,' title 'Poor,' ante page 1957.
1825, ch. 150, repealed by 1835, ch. 307, ante page 1859.
AN ACT to enlarge the Powers of the Trustees of the Poor in Montgomery
County, and for other purposes. — 1826, ch. 29.
Court in
WHEREAS, it sometimes happens that persons labouring
under bodily infirmities, or other afflictions, in consequence of
their being destitute of friends or connexions, may be reduced
to the necessity of going to the county poor's-house, whilst
they may, notwithstanding, have some remnant of property
left, or some debts due to them ; And whereas, it is just and
right if the county takes such persons upon their bounty for
support, that any property or debts that may remain to them,
should go to the use of the county ; therefore,