uncollected and available, the trustees of said district shall
consider it a part of the revenue for the succeeding year, and
a correspondent deduction in that year's assessment, for the
support of such district school, shall be made.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all white male taxable inha-
bitants, resident in the county, and owning real or personal
taxable property in more school districts than one, shall be
permitted to vote in every school district, in every such dis-
trict as a resident taxable inhabitant ; Provided, that in case of
personal property, it shall not have been removed into any
such school district within one month next preceding such
election ; And provided, that nothing in this section contained
shall exclude any qualified voter from the exercise of his suf-
frage, who shall, at any period, bona fide remove into any
school district.
Right of
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the several
school districts shall keep accurate accounts of their proceed-
ings, and report the same to the taxable inhabitants of said
school district at their stated annual meeting, or at any other
meeting called for that purpose ; and shall keep true and per-
fect accounts against the collector of every such school dis-
trict, of the sums authorized and levied, to be collected by
them, and of all sums paid into their hands, and shall give
them credit for all sums properly paid by them, for commis-
sions allowed to such collectors, and for all sums as remain
uncollected after due diligence.
Trustees to
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That wherever school districts
have not been located as directed by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and sixty-two, and
the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter one hun-
dred and thirteen, and no tax has been laid or collected, or
wherever such location has been made and no tax laid or col-
lected, there shall not be collected for the purposes of purchas-
ing a site and school house, and erecting such school-house
and furnishing books, fuel, stationery, and furniture, the first
year, more than three hundred dollars, and the tax of one hun-
dred and fifty dollars, provided by this act for repairing school-
houses and so forth, shall not be levied nor collected the same
year that the above tax, for the purchase of a site, school-house,
or erecting the same, and so forth, and that in any district,
Tax on first
where the collection of taxes has been only partially made,
they may be completed by the old or new trustees or collec-
tors, with all the authority and means provided by this or any
other act.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the proceedings of any
meeting, to be called by the commissioners and inspectors, or,
by the trustees or taxable inhabitants, shall not be set aside or '
lies in
notice not
to vitiate.