A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT for the relief of the Poor of Kent County.
1818, ch. 120.
levy autho-
rized for
benefit of
the poor.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices oi' the levy court of Kent county be and they
are hereby authorized, to assess and levy, annually, a sum of
money not exceeding fifteen cents in the hundred dollars, on
all the property in the said county subject and liable to assess-
ment, in addition to what they are now authorized to levy, for
the support and maintenance of the poor of the said county, to
be levied, collected and applied, in the same manner as is
directed by the original act to which this is a supplement.
AM ACT to authorize the Trustees of the Poor of Kent County to purchase
a Farm or Tract of Land, fur the use of the Poor, and to sell the present
Alms-house of said County, and for other purposes. —1825., ch. 191.
WHEREAS, it is represented to the general assembly, by the
petition of sundry inhabitants of Kent county, that the existing
law for the support of the poor of said county imposes a heavy
and burthensome tax upon the people, and that it does not an-
swer the purpose for which it was intended ; therefore,
Trustees of
the poor
to purchase
and build 5
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of the poor of Kent county, be, and they are
hereby authorized, if, and whenever, they or a majority of them,
shall deem it expedient and for the interest of the inhabitants of
Kent county, and the comfort of the poor, to contract for and
purchase u farm or tract of land, not exceeding live hundred
acres, and for them and their successors to hold the same in
trust for the use of the county, and to erect thereon, at their
discretion, proper buildings and improvements for the accom-
modation of the poor, the cost of which land so purchased, and
buildings, shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars,
which shall be levied upon and collected from the inhabitants
of Kent county, as other county charges are levied and col-
lected and paid over to said trustees by their order ; Provided.,
nevertheless, that a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars
shall be levied and collected in any one year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, be,
and they are hereby authorized to provide suitable farming
stock and implements of husbandry out of the fund so autho-
rized to be levied, and cause all paupers who may be main-
tained in the alms-house of said county, to perform such labour
on said land, when purchased as aforesaid, as may be consistent
with their health, bodily ability, and as may conduce to the
interest of the institution.
Proceeds of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the trustees aforesaid shall
dispose of all products arising from the cultivation of said land
over and above what may be necessary tor the maintenance of
the poor of said alms-house, and the amount of the money aris-