court-house door, declaring the five persons having a plurality
of legal votes and the requisite qualifications, as duly elected
members of the levy court of Kent county, and in the event of
a tie between two or more persons, the same shall be decided
by ballot at the first regular meeting of said levy court.
Case of a
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the members of the levy
court, who shall be elected in October next, shall at their first
regular meeting, or as soon thereafter as may be, proceed to
classify themselves as follows: they shall write the number
'one' on two ballots, the number 'two' on two ballots, and the
number 'three' on one ballot, and deposite the same in a hat,
and shall proceed alphabetically, each member to draw from
the hat one ticket, and the seats of the members drawing the
tickets having on them the number 'one' shall be vacated on
the first Wednesday in October, eighteen hundred and forty,
the seats of the members drawing the tickets having on them
the number 'two' shall be vacated on the first Wednesday in
October, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and the scat of the
member drawing the ticket having on it the number 'three'
shall be vacated on the first Wednesday in October, eighteen
hundred and forty-two ; Provided, nothing herein contained
shall prevent the re-election of any member of said court.
Terms of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That on the first Wednesday of
October, eighteen hundred and forty, and in every third year
thereafter, the legal voters of Kent county shall proceed to
elect two members of the levy court to fill the vacancies which
may be created by the places of number 'one' in the same
manner as herein before provided for ; and on the first Wed-
nesday in October, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and in
every third year thereafter, the legal voters of Kent county
shall proceed to elect two members of the levy court to fill the
vacancies which maybe created by the places of numbers 'two'
Election of
1940, and
every third
years there-
after, to
elect two
1841, &c.
two com-
in the same manner as herein' before provided for ; and on the
first Wednesday in October, eighteen hundred and forty-two,
and in every third year thereafter, the legal voters of Kent
county shall proceed to elect one member of the levy court to fill
the vacancy created by the place of number 'three' in the same
manner as herein before provided for, which persons or person
so elected shall hold their office for three years from their elec-
1842, Sec.
one com-
tion aforesaid, and the sheriff of Kent county shall give public
notice that a member or members of the levy court, in the
place of those whose terms are about expiring, is to be elected,
Term three
years each.
and if any member or members of said levy court shall die,
resign, refuse to act, the other members of the court shall pro-
ceed to fill the vacancy, which appointment shall only be in
force until the next regular October election, when an election
shall be held for a member or members of said court, to servo
Case of