one-half to the informer, the other half to the use of the com
missioncrs or levy court of said county, in lieu of the for
feiture of the gun as directed by that act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all parts of the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter one hundred and
sixty-one, not specifically repealed by this law, be, and are
in full force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this act
and the act to which this is a supplement, except so much as
is heretofore repealed, be and the same are hereby extended to
the waters of Baltimore, Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne's coun-
ties, as low down the Chesapeake bay as Wye river inclusive.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the preservation of Wild
Fowl in the waters of Swan Creek, Spesutiae Narrows, Rumney Creek,
Bush River, and Gunpowder River, and the waters of Anne Arundel
County.— 1837, ch. 162.
See 'Anne Arundel County, title 'Wild Fowl, ante page 1395.
BOUNDARIES. — 1700, ch. 3.
AN ACT for the re- valuation of the Real and Personal Property in Kent
County.- 1834, ch. 329.
The law
extended to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax for Kent county, he, and
they are hereby authorized and directed to meet at Chester-
town, in said countjr, immediately after the passage of this act,
or as soon thereafter as may he practicahle, and proceed agree-
ably to the provisions of an act, passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, an act for the valuation
of real and personal property in the several counties of this
state, to rc-vnluo and re-assess the real and personal property
within snicl county.
tion di-
See 1812, ch. 191, nnte page 1631.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That William Pcrkins, William
R. Durding, Samuel Corners, Joseph Maflett, and Philip
Brooks, he, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of
the tax for said county, and the commissioners nre hereby
authorized and empowered to carry into full effect and opera,
tion all the provisions of this and the act of eighteen hundred
ami twelve, entitled, an act for the valuation of real and per-
sonal property in the several counties of this state.
fioners of
Ui named
and em-