jail of said county, as the case may be, shall hereafter be enti-
tied to receive and be allowed, for the support and mainte-
nance of prisoners committed to his charge, the sum of twenty-
five cents per diem each, in lieu of the sum now allowed, to be
paid as the present per diem is now paid.
AN ACT relating to the compensation payable by Officers to the Sheriff of
Harford County, for the Collecting of Officers' Pees.— 1838, ch. 108.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act it shall and may be lawful
for the sheriff of Harford county to charge and receive from all
officers, who may choose to require of the sheriff to collect for
them any officers' fees, a commission of twelve and a half per
cent, on the amount of fees that may be so collected instead of
the commission heretofore allowed in such cases.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for regulating find Inspecting
Weights and Measures used in this State. — 1831, ch. 154.
12 1/2 per
cent, com-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the standard of
weights and measures, now in the possession of the keeper of
the same, for Harford county, shall be deposited in the office of
the commissioners of said county ; and said keeper is hereby
required to deliver them to the clerk of said commissioners,
and there to remain, for the trial and correction of the several
weights and measures belonging to the citizens of said county ;
Place of
keeping the
tec. in Har-
ford county.
and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the commissioners, upon
application, to try and correct, brand, and mark and stamp
the same, by the said standard ; for which services the said
clerk shall receive six cents for each weight, measure or scale
beam, by him adjusted, to be paid by the person making the
Clerk of
sioners duty
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of said
county may, at their discretion, appoint a keeper of the stand-
ards of weights and measures, who shall take possession
thereof, and perform all the duties herein required to be per-
formed by their clerk, and shall be entitled to the same com-
pensation, for such services; and the said keeper hereby
authorized to be appointed, shall give bond to the commis-
sioners aforesaid in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, con-
ditioned for the safe keeping of said standards of weights and
measures, and the performance of the duties prescribed by
to appoint
thi act
Sec 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons in
said county shall sell by any weights or measures, to light or
small, he or they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding
Penalty for
using de-
weights or