said overseer shall, at the expiration of each and every year,
return to the said trustees on oath, (or affirmation,) a fair and re-
gular account in writing, of all the stock, farming utensils, and
other things now remaining in his hands, or which may come to
his hands aforesaid, together with a statement of the crop, and
other articles, made on the estate of the said alms-house, and an
account of all the expenses and charges attending the main-
tenance and support of the poor in said alms-house, and of all
moneys received by him for the sales of the produce of their
labour, and otherwise, which said statements and accounts the
trustees are hereby directed to lay before the commissioners at
their said annual meeting.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all the meetings of the said
trustees for the poor, necessary to be held for carrying into
effect the provisions of this act, or of the original act to which
this is supplementary, shall be held at the alms-house in the
said county, except such meetings as may be necessary for the
settlement and passing their accounts with the commissioners.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That the sheriff shall be allowed
thirty-eight and a half-cents for the delivery of each of the said
certificates to the persons so appointed, all of which charges
and allowances are to be levied, collected and paid over, as
other county charges are.
to sheriff
for delivery
of certifi-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That from and after the organi-
zation of this institution, under the provisions of this act, it
shall not be lawful for any trustee to furnish, on his own ac-
count, supplies of any description for the use of the alms-
house, and if any trustee shall, in violation of this act, furnish
supplies to snid institution, he shall, upon sufficient evidence
of the fact being offered to the commissioners of the county
aforesaid, forfeit for the use and benefit of the institution, what-
ever supplies he may have so furnished.
Penalty on
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the trustees appointed by
virtue of this act, shall meet four times a year, to wit, the
second Monday in June, October, January and April, or
oftener if need requires, at their discretion, and for every day
they serve in discharge of their duties under the provisions of
this act, the said trustees shall each receive for their services
the same as heretofore been allowed agreeable to the provisions
of the original act to which this is a supplementary act, to be
levied on the county, and paid to them by the collector.
To meet
four times a
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That any thing in the said
original act to which this is a supplementary act, as relates to
Harford county, which is repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the
provisions of this act, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.