AN ACT enlarging the powers of the Trustees of the Poor of Harford
County.— 1817, ch. 205.
to overseer.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the trustees of the poor for Ilarford county, be and they are
hereby authorized and empowered, to allow to the overseer of
the poor of said county, such compensation for his services, as
they in their judgment may deem right, not exceeding two
hundred dollars per annum, and may make such allowance for
dieting the said overseer, and his family, as to them may seem
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to enlarge further the powers
of the Trustees of the Poor of Harford County, and for other purposes.
1820, ch. 119.
May keep
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the poor for
Harford county, and they are hereby authorized, in their dis-
cretion, to keep any number of out-pensioners, not exceeding
five at any one time, in addition to the number already autho-
rized by law, upon the same terms, and under the same cir-
cumstances, as are prescribed by an act, entitled, an act to
enlarge further the powers of the trustees of the poor in the
several counties therein mentioned, passed at November ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and four.
List of per-
sons apply-
ing to be
made out,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid shall
at some convenient time previous to the laying the levy in each
year, make out a list of persons applying for support out of the
poor-house, whose situation render a support therein unsuita-
ble, and lay the same before the levy court for their informa-
tion, together with any certificate or recommendation of any
applicant in the possession of said trustees, and if the said
court shall be of opinion that the circumstances of any appli-
cant render a situation in the poor-house of said county parti-
cularly unsuitable, they shall levy on the assessable property
of said county, such sum as they may think necessary for the
relief of each applicant, not exceeding thirty dollars, to be
collected as other county levies, and applied as directed in
such cases in the act to which this is a supplement.
AN ACT to enlarge further the powers of the Trustees of the Poor of
Harford County, and for oiher purposes. — 1824, ch. 3.
Out pen-
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the poor for Har-
ford county, and they are hereby authorized in their discre-
tion, to keep any number of out-pensioners, not exceeding ten
at any one time, in addition to the number already authorized
by law, upon the same terms, and under the same circum-