SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That all sheriffs, constables, and
all other officers and ministers of justice, shall be aiding and
assisting to the said trustees for the poor in the said counties
respectively, and to all such officers as shall be employed by
them, as by this act is directed, in the execution and perfor-
mance of the said service.
&c. to aid
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall, at any time or times, be sued or prosecuted for any mat-
ter or thing by him or them clone and executed in pursuance
and execution of this act, or any matter or thing in this act
contained, such person or persons shall and may plead the
general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evi-
dence for his or their defence ; and if upon trial a verdict shall
pass for the defendant or defendants, or if the plaintiff or plain-
tiffs shall become non-suit, or discontinue his or their suit,
then such defendant or defendants shall have and recover tre-
ble costs to him or them awarded against such plaintiff or plain-
tiffs, and if the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are unable to satisfy
the same, then it shall he paid and satisfied by the attorney
who brought such suit, unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall
give security for the costs, to be approved by the court in
which such suit is brought.
SEC. 21. Merged in 1828. ch. 75, sec. 2.
Sr.c. 22. Temporary.
iraue plead-
able, he.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted. That the justices of the said
counties respectively, until the end of the year seventeen
hundred and ninety, shall and they are hereby empowered
and directed to levy annually, in the usual manner, in their
respective county, exclusive of the money to be levied for the
building and providing for the poor-houses, such sums of
money as shall, to the trustees of the poor in said counties
respectively, appear proper and necessary for the subsistence
and accommodation of their poor, not exceeding three shillings
and nine-pence in the hundred pounds; which said sums,
when collected, shall be paid by the collectors to the order of
such trustees, or the major part of them, under their common
seal, who ate hereby authorized and required to receive and
apply the same to the use and purposes as is directed to be
done in the ninth clause of the above recited act.
AN ACT to enlarge further the Powers of the Trustees of the Poor in the
several Counties therein mentioned. — 1804, ch. 69.
See 'Anne Arundel County, title 'Poor,' ante page 1382.
1809, ch. 37, authorizes the sale of land connected with the poor-house.
Justices to
levy money,