each of them ; repairs of the public roads ; the opening of
new roads designating the several sums allowed to individuals
for lands over which roads shall have been laid out ; with such
other items as the said commissioners may judge will have a
tendency to convey general information concerning the various
transactions of the year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the trustees of the alms-
house shall furnish the commissioners of the county with a
general statement of all the disbursements and expenditures of
said institution, from the year eighteen hundred and thirty-
four inclusive; and it shall be the duty of the said commis-
sioners to publish the same, agreeably to the provisions of the
second section of this act.
AN ACT to repeal an Act therein mentioned, and to give to all the voters
of Harford County an equal voice in electing their County Commis-
sioners.— 1833, ch 56.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act of assembly, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-six, chapter two hundred and forty-six,
entitled, an additional supplement to an act, entitled, an act to
provide for electing commissioners for Ilarford county, and
prescribing their powers and duties, passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter eighty-one,
shall cease to be in force from and after the twenty-fifth day of
September, eighteen hundred and forty, the said additional
supplement being hereby declared to be then and thenceforth
abrogated and repealed.
Art of 1836,
ch. 246 re-
pealed from
and after
25th Sep.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a new election for commis-
sioners for Harford county shall take place on the day of hold-
ing the annual general election in October, eighteen hundred
and forty, any thing contained in any law then existing to the
contrary notwithstanding.
sioners to
be circled
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That from and after the first day
of April next, it shall be the duty of the clerk to the county
commissioners of Ilarford county to give his personal atten-
dance at the court-house, during the usual hours of business,
every Tuesday, during the time of his continuing to hold
said office of clerk ; and in case any person holding said office
Clerk to
of clerk shall fail or neglect to attend as aforesaid, unless disa-
bled by sickness or prevented by some other circumstance be-
yond his control, his said office shall thereupon be deemed to
be vacated ; and the county commissioners shall, at their next
meeting thereafter, appoint some other person in his place.
AN ACT relating to the Removal of Causes for Trial, within the Sixth
District.-1820,ch. 158.
See ante page 731.
Cane of
failing to.