months of March, April, May, June, August, September,
October and November, and at all other times, when required
by any of the citizens of said county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That all such part or parts of the
original act to which this is a supplement, which requires that
each district shall elect one commissioner, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
AN additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for
ejecting Commissioners for Harford County, and prescribing their
Powers and Duties, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-seven, chapter eighty-one. — 1836, ch. 216.
Repealed by 1838, ch. 56.
AN ACT directing the Commissioners of Harford Counly, to publish annu-
ally a full statement of their Receipts and Disbursements. — 1837, ch. 166
Close levy
in Septem-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Harford county shall hereafter close
their annual levy by the third week in September in every
tion di-
year, and shall publish a fair and accurate statement of all the
receipts and expenditures of the twelve months next pre-
ceding, in the several newspapers printed in said county, in
the third week of September, annually, under the penalty of
on neglect.
a forfeiture of the said commissioners' compensation during the
twelve months aforesaid, in case of their failure to make such
tions re-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said statement shall
enumerate the respective sums collected in each election dis-
trict, and the several sources from which said receipts are
derived ; and also shall designate the various sums disbursed
in each election district, and the purposes to which the same
shall have been appropriated ; stating, with reference to the
following heads of expenditure or allowances, the aggregate
amount of each one of them separately, to wit: the pay of
each of the commissioners of the county ; the pay of the clerk,
attorney and any other person or persons in their service ; fees
paid for legal services and advice ; fees and allowances to
public officers, distinguishing those to each class of officers
separately; the holding of the courts, and all charges coming
under that head, specifying how much thereof on account of
jurors, and also how much on account of witnesses payable by
the county; the support of the prison, and all charges con-
nected therewith, or relating to prisoners; the support of the
alms-house and its inmates, with a statement of how much
allowed to its officers, and how much for the pay of the trus-
tees ; allowances to indigent out-pensioners ; the holding of
elections ; repairs and erections of public buildings, showing
separately the sum expended on each one ; repairs of old and
erection of new bridges, designating how much on account of