of them may be impannelled to try, shall be disposed of by
verdict or otherwise.
Law to
take effect
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from and after tho termination of the ensuing March term.
AN ACT relating to Appeals and Writs of Error, on Judgments of the
County Courts of Baltimore, Frederick and Washington. — 1831, ch. 319.
See ante page 1670, 'Baltimore County,' title 'County Court.1
AN ACT in relation to the business of Frederick County Court.— -1837,
ch. 62.
Act of 1829,
ch. 107,&c.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, an act for the despatch of business in
Frederick county court, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-nine, chapter one bundled and seven, and
its supplements, be and they are hereby repealed fioin and after
the fifteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-
eight ; Provided, that this act shall not be eonstrued to affect
in any manner any case, matter or thing heretofore cognizable
by Frederick county court at its May or December terms, that
may happen, arise, or be before the fifteenth day after the pas-
Cases not
to be af-
sage of this act, nor to any case, matter or thing which may be
continued by the said court from its December term, in eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-seven, to May term, in eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, but that every case, matter or thing in
this proviso mentioned shall in every respect be heard, tiied
and disposed of by Frederick county court as if this act had
not been passed.
to continue
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for Frederick county court, at its May term, in eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight to transmit, carry over, or continue every
case, matter and thing from its said May term, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, to the October term thereof following,
and then and there to be heard, tried, adjudged, disposed of or
continued according to law, and in the same manner as if the
said act of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter one hun-
dred and seven, and its supplements, had never been passed.
AN ACT, entitled, a Supplement to an Act, entitled, an Act to prevent any
obstruction of the Navigation in the River Potomac. — 1806, ch. 79.
WHEREAS, the law to which this is a supplement has not
had the desired effect of preventing obstructions in the river
Monocacy ; therefore,
SEC. 2. Repealed by 1833, ch 226; which it is presumed intended to
repeal the second section, as there is no section in the act designated as the
font section.