chapter one hundred and ninety-one, for the valuation of all
the property in the several counties in this state.
See 1812, ch. 191, ante page 1631.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whatever extra duties the
execution of this law may create or impose on the clerk to the
commissioners, they may allow him an amount which they
may deem an equivalent for such extra duties*
Modified by 1835, ch. 157.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the re- valuation of the
Real and Personal Property in Frederick County.-* 1835, ch. 157.
tion to
the clerk.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, byGenerat the Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this law, that in every case
where the compensation is fixed and allowed, by the commis-
sioners of the tax to their clerk, in said county, that that allow-
ance shall be final, and the levy court shall place the same on
the assessment of the county.
tion of
clerk of
sioners of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the word extra, in the
first line of the third section of the original act, to which this
is a supplement, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-four, chapter twenty-two, shall be void and of non-
AN ACT for altering the time of the Meeting of the Commissioners of the
Tax in Frederick County.— 1813, ch. 34.
'Extra,' &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the meeting of the commissioners of the tax in Frederick county, \
shall be hereafter held on the first Monday in February in each
year, instead of the first Monday of April as fixed by the forty-
third section of the act, entitled, an act for the valuation of real
and personal property in this state, passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and twelve.*
Time of
Ch. 191.
AN ACT to alter the time of holding the County Courts of Frederick
County.— 1823, ch. 138,
SEC. 1. Modified by 1828, ch. 182, ante page 968.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in addition to the number
of jurors which it is now by law the duty of the sheriffs to
summon in their respective counties, it shall be the duty of the
sheriffs of Frederick county, to summon twenty-five suitable
persons to attend the said county court as petit jurors on the
fourth Monday of each term, and that those persons who shall
have attended as petit jurors, during the first three weeks of
the term shall be discharged on the third Saturday of the term
or as soon thereafter as any cause or causes which they or part