RESOLUTION concerning Dorchester County. — 1838, No. 44.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
levy of four thousand dollars, directed to be made on the as-
sessable property of Dorchester county, by the first section of
an act, entitled, a supplement to an act, entitled, an act to
provide for the public instruction of youth in primary schools,
throughout this state, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred und twenty-five, chapter one hundred and sixty-two,
so far as relates to Dorchester county, passed December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred
and six, be, and the same is hereby authorized and required
to be again levied for the use of primary schools in Dorchester
county, for the present year.
Voters to
decide on
the law.
Resolved further , That at the October election for delegates
to the general assembly, for Dorchester county, in the year
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, every voter when he offers
to vote, shall be required by the judges of election, to state
whether he is for or against the law, passed December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred and
six, establishing primary schools in Dorchester county, and the
said judges shall record the number of votes for and against
said primary school law, and make return thereof to the legis-
lature, during the first week of the session eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, and if a majority of said voters in said county,
shall be in favour of the law establishing said primary schools,
as is therein provided for, then and in that case, the said act
shall be continued in full force, otherwise to cease and have
no effect or operation whatever.
See 1816, ch. 178, ante page 1743, 'Calvert County,1 title 'Prisoners.'
AN ACT to regulate the Fees to be charged by Sheriffs in Executions
issued by Justices of the Peace, for the recovery of Small Debts, so far
as relates to Dorchester County. — 1838, ch. 321.
Charge for
fees regu-
Be il enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for
any sheriff to charge, or receive, on executions issued by any
justice of the peace, any greater, or other fees, than are now
allowed by law to constables for similar services by them
See title 'Retailers,' ante page 1908.
See title 'Navigation,' ante page 1889.