the expense of said counties, to vest in a majority of the trus-
tees of the alms-houses of said counties a power of putting out
such children to be nursed and maintained in the neighbour-
hood ; therefore.
Trustees to
place out
SEC 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any four of the trustees of the said alms-houses of Dor-
chester and Someiset counties, shall be and they are hereby
authorized and empowered, to place out children of the above
description on the most favourable terms which they can obtain
for their respective counties, to be nuised, supported and
maintained, until they shall arrive at the age of three years as
aforesaid, and the expenses arising there from shall be levied on
their respective counties in the same manner as other expenses
of their respective alms-houses are levied; and it shall be the
duty of each of the trustees of the counties aforesaid, person-
ally to examine from time to time into the situation of such
children so put out to be nursed and suppoited, and romi time
to time to report to the said trustees, met for the transacting of
business of their respective houses, the situation and manage-
ment of said children, so that they may be caiefully and faith-
fully nursed, supported and maintained.
How fines
are to he
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all fines imposed for non-
attendance of the trustees afoiesaid at the appointed tunes of
meeting by virtue of an act, entitled, an act to enlarge the
powers of the trustees of the poor of the several counties
therein mentioned, passed at November session, seventeen
•Ch 21
bundled and ninety -one,* shall be recovered by warrant issued
by any justice of the peace for the respeetive counties, in
which said trustees, as a corporatation, shall be plaintiffs, and
when recovered shall be applied as by the said recited act is
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the
relief of the Poor in the Counties of Dorchester and Somerset, passed in
*Ch. 57.
seventeen hundred and eighty five,* and the several Supplements there
to, and to repeal the Acts of Assembly therein mentioned — 1812, ch 12
Trustees of
poor to be
by levy
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the office of the present trustees of the pooi of Dorchester
county shall cease and be at an end on the second Monday of
June next, and the appointment of the trustees of the poor of
said county shall, from and after the second Monday of May
next, be vested in the levy court of said county.
When U) be
how to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Dorchts-
ter county shall be, and they are hereby authorized and re-
quired, at their first meeting in May next, and at their first
meeting in the month of May in each succeeding year there-
after, to appoint seven discreet and proper persons, qualified