SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the trustees aforesaid, or a major part of them, to rent an
house or houses in the said county respectively,- for the recep-
tion of such poor, vagrants, vagabonds or offenders, with the
necessary lot or lots of ground adjoining to such house or
houses, as convenient to the court-house as may be in each
county respectively, for the reception and accommodation of
the said poor, vagrants, vagabonds and offenders, until a suf-
ficient sum of money be raised in virtue of this act, to enable
the said trustees to purchase the land and erect the buildings
herein before mentioned, and the justices of each county re-
spectively are hereby empowered and enjoined, annually, at
the court for laying the county rate, to assess on the taxable
property of the said county a sufficient sum to discharge the
rent aforesaid, with the collector's commission of four percent,
thereon ; which sum so as aforesaid assessed, shall be collected
and paid by the said collector to the said trustees respectively,
or a majority of them, to be by them applied to the purposes
aforesaid ; and the said trustees, or the major part of them, are
hereby empowered and required, as soon as such house or
houses aforesaid are procured on rent, to proceed to the ap-
pointment of an overseer, and other officers and servants, as
are mentioned in this act, and to do and perform every other
matter and thing necessary to carrying the said act into execu-
tion, according to the true intent and meaning thereof.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the relief of the Poor in
the Counties of Dorchester and Somerset — 1786, ch. 7.
Authorizes a further assessment for the use of the poor for a restricted
period of time.
AN additional Supplementary ACT to the act, entitled, an Act for the
relief of the Poor in the Counties of Dorchester and Somerset. — 1788,
ch. 36.
Trustee* to
rent an
house, &c.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of the poor for Dorchester and Somerset
counties shall and they are hereby directed to receive such
objects and poor persons as the justices theieof shall direct.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the relieff of the Poor in
Dorchester and Somerset Counties.— 1793, ch. 24.
may receive
objects, &c.