An ACT to inspect and transcribe the Records of the Surveyor of Charles
County, and for other purposes. — 1817, ch. 82.
SEC.1. Appoints Commissioners, and directs the records to be inspected
and transcribed.
SEC. 2. Oath of Commissioners.
Records of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the records of the county
surveyors in each county in this state, shall be, and the/ are
hereby declared to be hereafter, public property, and trans-
missible from each surveyor to his successor, as other public
records now are.
See 'Fences,' ante page 1856.
BOUNDARIES.— 1750, ch. 13; November, 1773, ch. 10; 1792, ch. 19-,
1825, ch.81; 1827, ch. 109; 1832, ch. 123.
See 1812, ch. 191, ante page 1631.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the valuation of Real
. and Personal Property in the several Counties of this State, passed
November session, eighteen hundred and twelve, chapter one hundred
and ninety-one, so far as relates to Dorchester County. — 1826, ch. 102.
WHEREAS, serious injury is often sustained by persons hav-
ing taxes to pay, by reason of the commissioners of the tax
having no specific mode of ascertaining the necessary and pro-
per information of the changes or transfers of real and personal
property made under and by virtue of last wills and testa-
ments; therefore,
List of
transfers of
real estate
te be annu-
ally made
by register
of wills
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, and regularly in
each year thereafter, between the first and tenth days of May,
it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the register of wills
in said county, to make out and deliver to the commissioners
of the tax in said county, an alphabetical list or account of all
the alienations, changes or transfers, of real estate of every de-
scription) made under or by virtue of last wills and testaments,
in the same manner as the clerk of said county is now required
to make out and return a list of alienations by the eighth sec-
tion of the act to which this is a supplement ; and the said list
or account, thus to be made out and delivered, shall contain, as