W. Shore
to deposits
the school
fund of,
SEC. 5. Ana* be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to depo-
site, on, or about the first day of January next, and annually,
on, or about the same time thereafter, in the Farmers' Bank of
Maryland, the amount of school funds annually accruing to
Charles county, except so much thereof as is now appropriated
to the several free schools therein, subject to the order of the
orphans court of said county, for the payment of the teachers
of the said district schools.
Levy of
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Charles
county, be, and is hereby authorized and required at its meet-
ing for the laying of the tax of said county for the year eighteen
hundred and forty, and annually thereafter to levy upon the as-
sessable property thereof, the sum of three thousand dollars, to
be collected and disposed of for the payment of the teachers of
the district schools aforesaid, as provided for in the eighth sec-
tion of this act.
Trusteea of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That as soon as the trustees of
any district school, shall have acquired title to a site, and
erected thereon a school-house as aforesaid, and raised by pri-
vate contribution, a sum together with the donation provided
for by this act, sufficient for that purpose, shall employ a com-
petent teacher, and proceed to organize and open said schools
for the reception and tuition of scholars, and to give public
Notice re-
notice thereof, by advertisement set up at not less than three
of the most public places in said school districts, declaring the
same free of charge, for all white children residing within the
limits of said school district*
to draft for
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That when the trustees of any of
said distiict schools shall have complied with the requisitions
of the second and seventh sections of this act, and shall have
reported accordingly, to the orphans court of said county, the
said court is hereby authorized and required on or about the
first day of January, eighteen hundred forty-one, and annually
thereafter, to draft in favour of the trustees of said district
schools, upon the Farmers' Bank of Maryland, or the collector
of the county levy of said county, for the sum of two hundred
dollars, to be by said trustees applied to the payment of the
salary of the teacher, so employed in said district school.
report re-
quired of
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees of the several district schools aforesaid, to report an-
nually in the month of December, to the orphans court of said
county, the number of children taught in said schools, and the
manner in which the money received by said trustees, for the
support of said schools may have been expended, and it shall
be the duty of the register of said court, to record said reports