assessable property of said county, which sum shall be col-
lected and paid to each and every commissioner, as other
county charges are levied, collected and paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, an act (o
authorize commissioners to divide Chailes county into school
districts, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-two, chapter two hundred and twenty-six, be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
AN ACT Supplemental to an Act, entitled, an Act to authorize the appoint-
ment of Commissioners, and the division of Charles County into School
Districts— 1836, ch. 67.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of the levy court of Charles county,
at their next April session, or as soon thereafter as may be con-
venient, to appoint three suitable and discreet persons in each
election district in Chailes county, to act as commissioners,
whose duty it shall be, or a majority of them, to assemble in
their respective election districts, at some convenient place, on
or before the first Monday in September next, and proceed to
divide their respective election districts into a suitable and
convenient number of school districts, having reference to the
roads, creeks, and so forth, as their boundaries ; it shall be the
further duty of the commissioners aforesaid immediately after
the formation of said school districts in their respertive elec-
tion districts, to desciibe and number the same and to deliver
the desctiption and number thereof in wilting to the register
of wills of said county, who is hereby required to receive and
record the same in his office, without fee or reward.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the first section of the act,
entitled, an act to authorize the appointment of commissioners,
and the division of Charles county into school districts, passed
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter
sixty-two, and to which this is a supplement, be, and the same
is hereby repealed.
AN ACT to provide for the establishment of District Schools in Charles
County.— -1838, ch. 191.
WHEREAS, the commissioners appointed to lay off and divide
Charles county into convenient school districts, have discharged
paid duty and made return of their proceedings as required by
law ; And whereas, it appears that the school funds belonging
to said county are inadequate to the establishment of such
schools ; And whereas also, it is important that some system of
education be adopted for the general diffusion of knowledge,
not only for the benefit of individuals, but of the community
at large ; therefore,
SEC. 1 . Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Act of 183*,
ch. 226, re-
sioners to
Return de-
Acts re-