1816, ch. 256, ante page 654, creates the fund.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the distribution of a certain
Fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in the several Counties
therein named — 1820, ch. 114.
Board of
sioners ap-
pointed for
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Joseph Green, William P. Ford, Wilson Smoot, Thomas
A. Davis, George llobertson, Thomas Price, Francis Speake,
John Barnes, Samuel Chapman, Nathan Harris, George D.
Parnham, John Edelin, Francis Digges, Theodore Mudd,
Samuel Hawkins, George Jameson and George Fotbes, be and
are hereby appointed a board of commissioners for Charles
county for the distribution and application of the fund men-
tioned in the act to which this is a supplement.
how to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case any vacancy shall
happen, the remaining commissioners, or such number as is
herein after constituted a quorum, shall from time to time fill
up such vacancy ; Provided nevertheless, that said vacancy or
vacancies shall be so filled that there shall always be one com-
missioner a resident of Port Tobacco, and four commissioners
residents of each of the several election districts of the county,
exclusive of the commissioner residing in Port Tobacco.
Times of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
meet at the court-house in Port Tobacco, on the first Monday
in May, and the first Monday in November next, and on the
same days in each and every year thereafter, and at such other
times and places as may be appointed by their own adjourn-
ments, and that any five of the said commissioners shall form
a quorum, and be competent to do any act, matter or thing,
which the whole of the commissioners might do.
May ad-
journ, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if a quorum shall not meet on
any of the days herein appointed, or at any time by them ap-
pointed, the commissioners present may adjourn to some other
day, of which adjournment the absent commissioners shall have
due notice.
&c. to be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
choose from their own body one person to be president, and
one other to be secretary, and that the latter shall always be a
resident of Port Tobacco, and it shall be the duty of the secre-
tary to keep fair and correct entries in a book to be provided
for the purpose, of all the proceedings of the said commissioners,
and all directions and orders for the payment or distribution of
any part of the said funds, shall be signed by the secretary, by
order of the board of commissioners.
SEC. 6. Merged in 1830, ch. 40, sec. 1.