of said contractois shall be subject to the same penalties, dues
and forfeitures, for neglect of duty to which overseeis of the
public loads in said county are subject undei the existing
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That when the said roads or any
section thereof may be placed under contract as aforesaid, that
all and every person or persons now required to work or fur-
nish hands to work on said roads, on such sections so placed
out on contract, be and they ate hereby exempt from furnish-
ing said labour as required by the act to which this is a supple-
ment; Provided always, that the said levy court shall in no
instance contract to pay for the repairs of any part or section
of said public loads a greater sum than is now by law allowed
as compensation to the overseer of said part or section, unless
they, the said levy court, shall judge it expedient to put out
the repairs of the public loads of said county Upon contract as
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to the Public Roads
in the several Counties therein mentioned, passed in eighteen hundred
and one, chapter fifty four — 1837, ch 137.
List of
persona in
SEC. 1. Be U enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of overseers of the public loads in
Chailes county, to keep a true and proper list, of all and every
person or defaulter, who being summoned as provided for in
the act to which this is a supplement, shall neglect or refuse to
attend at the times and places appointed as afoiesaid, or if at-
tending, shall not perform his reasonable labour, and of every
master, mistress or overseer, of servants and slaves, who shall
incur the penalty aforesaid, and the said overseers of roads
shall at any time within ninety days, call upon each and every
Demand of
of the said persons, and demand the payment of all and singu-
lar, the sums of money by them, or any of them, so forfeited,
and on refusal or neglect to pay the same, the said overseers
shall proceed to recover the same, by warrant in the name of
the state, for use of Charles county, before a single magistrate,
or before a magistrates' court, by due course of law; and the
said overseers shall be, and they are hereby authorized to use
or proceeds.
the money so recovered, in paying the hire of such hands as
they may find it necessary to employ, in keeping then several
to be
and respective loads in repair, and shall tender their accounts
of all fines and forfeitures received, and moneys expended by
them, in virtue of this act, to the justices of the levy court,
annually, at their June session, upon oath or affirmation, and
shall pay such sums of money, if any, which shall remain in
their hands, in such manner as the said justices shall order and