after the passage of this act, to pay over to the commissioners
of the tax of Carroll county one-fifth part of the free school
fund heretofore received by the said levy court, and now unex-
Same by
pended ; and that the commissioners of Baltimore county, be,
and they are hereby authorized and required as soon as may be
practicable after the passage of this act, to transfer unto the
commissioners of the tax of Carroll county, one-fifth part of any
stock or stocks which the said commissioners of Baltimore
county now hold and have purchased, procured or obtained out
of the free school fund heretofore received by them ; and also
one-fifth part of any other unexpended part of the said free
school fund heretofore received by the commissioners of Balti-
more county.
Fund ap-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That all the money and funds
that may be received by the commissioners of the tax of Cat roll
county under this act, be, and the same shall be held, used
and employed by them, for the promotion of education in
primary schools in Carroll county, as may now or hereafter be
directed by law.
AN ACT to regulate the Free School Fund of Carroll County.— 1837,
ch. 238.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted ', by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the western shore, be, and he is hereby
authorized and required to pay to the commissioners of tax of
Carroll county, or their order, all of the free school fund which
may now be, or shall hereafter become due to Carroll county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of tax of
Carroll county be, and they are hereby authorized and re-
quired to invest, from time to time, all of the school fund which
may now be in their possession, or which they may hereafter
receive from the treasurer of the western shore, as provided by
this act, or from the commissioners of Baltimore county, or the
levy court of Frederick county, as provided by an act passed
December session, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six,
chapter two hundred and twenty-two, in such county stocks,
public security, ground rents, or annuities, as they may ap-
prove ; and that the interest accruing on said investments,
shall in like manner be invested, until further provision be
made by law for the disposition of said fund.
1837, ch. 305, ante page 1714, 'Baltimore County,' title 'Surplus