SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
constables to keep an account of the slaves by them respec-
tively hired out, and the amount of hire for each received, to
be submitted to the levy court at its first session in the year
after such proceeding may have been had under this act, and
the amount so returned to be accounted for by the constable to
the levy court for the use and benefit of the county.
to keep
accounts of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the levy courts of the seve-
ral counties in this state, be, and they are hereby authorized to
levy and allow to any constable who may have taken up and
hired out a slave or slaves under this act, two dollars for each
and every slave so taken up and hired out : Provided, that in
no instance such allowance shall exceed two-thirds of the
amount by him paid over to the court.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any constable who refuses
or neglects to comply with the requisitions of this act, shall be
subject to a fine of not more than ten dollars nor less than
three dollars, to be recovered with costs in the county court
where the offence may happen, by indictment.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no slave being a pilot and
hiring himself as such, shall be subject to the provisions of this
act, nor shall other slaves be arrested for a violation thereof
during twenty days in time of harvest.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be, and is hereby
made the duty of the presiding judge in the counties to which
the operation of this act is confined, to give this act in charge
to the grand jury on the fust day of the meeting of the county
court during the continuance of this act.
This act to
be given in
charge to
grand juries.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the acts of
assembly, and of the act to which this act is a supplement, as
are inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions of this act,
be, and the same are hereby repealed.
AN ACT for the division of Baltimore and Frederick Counties, and for
erecting a new one by the name of Carroll, and to alter and change the
Constitution of this State, so far as may be necessary to effect the same.
1835, ch. 256.
Confirmed by 1836, ch. 19.
WHEREAS, a considerable body of the inhabitants of Balti-
more and Frederick counties, by their petition to this general
assembly, have prayed that an act may be passed for a divi-
sion of said counties, and for erecting a new one out of parts
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