annex all the reports of the district commissioners and trustees
of the located schools to their returns to the general assembly,
be, and the same are hereby repealed, but it shall be the duty
To be here-
after filed.
of the said register to preserve and file the same in his office,
among the papers relating to the school funds of said county.
Report in
instead of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
several boards of district commissioners, to return as directed
by the seventh section of the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, chapter two hundred and twelve, a full report of
their proceedings at the December session of the orphans
court, instead of June as directed.
Acts re-
may arrest.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the second section of the
act of eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred
and eighty-nine, and all other acts, or parts of acts, inconsis-
tent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
SCHOOL, HILLSBOROUGH. — 1807, ch. 32.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to prevent the incon-
veniences arising from Slaves being permitted to act as free. — 1821,
ch. 183.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of October, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, it shall be the duty
of the constables in Worcester and Caroline counties, to arrest
and bring before a justice of the peace, any slave or slaves who
may be going at large and hiring him, her or themselves within
their respective hundreds, or who may not have a fixed home
in the family or on the estate of his, her or their owner, or be
hired to and in the regular employ of another person, by virtue
of a contract with his, her or their owner.
may be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where a slave or
slaves shall or may be brought before any justice of the peace
under the provision of the first section of this act, if it appear
to the satisfaction of the said justice of the peace, that said slave
or slaves so arrested and brought before him, were going at
large in violation of an act of assembly passed at April ses-
sion, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled, an act to
prevent the inconveniences arising from slaves being permitted
to act as free, and the supplements thereto, or of this act, he
shall forthwith issue an order to the constable who shall or
may have brought the said slave or slaves before him, to hire
such slave or slaves for the entire balance of the year in which
they may have been arrested ; and for each examination of
slaves bad before him under this act, a justice of the peace
shall be entitled to twenty-five cents, to be levied on the
county as part of the county expenses for the ensuing year.