direct the said petitioners to alter and change such road in
such manner as they, or a majority of them may point out and
direct ; Provided, that the said commissioners, before they pro-
ceed to the execution of the duties required by this act, they
shall take an oath (or affirmation) to be administered by a
justice of the peace of said county, that they will faithfully and
impartially perform the duties required by this act; And pro-
vided also, that the person or persons applying for such altera-
tion shall alter and change such road at his own proper cost
and charges, and shall moreover pay all damages, costs and
charges that shall or may arise from making such alterations ;
And provided further, that it shall not be lawful for such ap-
plicant or applicants, to shut up, stop, or obstruct any old road,
so about to be altered or changed, before the new road shall be
made, perfected, and received by the levy court of Caroline
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
levy court of said county, and they are hereby directed to
cause to be kept in good order and repair, all frame bridges in
said county, exceeding fifteen feet from abutment to abutment,
by employing suitable persons to make said repairs when
necessary, and levying money on the assessable property of
said county, to defray the expense of the same, not exceeding
two hundred and sixty-six dollars in any one year.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if any supervisor ap-
pointed in virtue of this act, shall neglect or refuse to render a
true annual account of all work done on the public roads, and
of all timber furnished within his district, under his orders,
and by whom done, by whom furnished, whereby the parties
or any of them labouring, or furnishing timber under his super-
intendance, shall not be credited in their county taxes for their
services rendered, the said supervisor so neglecting or refus-
ing, shall become responsible to the party or parties aggrieved
for the whole amount omitted, to be recovered by the party
aggrieved, from the said supervisor, in the same manner as
small debts are recovered, but may, if paid by him, be levied
in favour of the said supervisor the following year, excluding
And whereas, there are many male free negroes and mu-
lattoes residing in the county aforesaid, who neither pay taxes
nor perform militia duty, and it being reasonable that they
should contribute something towards the repairs of the public
roads, of which they have the use ; therefore,
SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for
any supervisor in the said county, within whose district any
such free negroes or mulattoes may reside, to call on each of
them, not being under eighteen nor over fifty years of age, to