mon,) in as full and ample a manner as if they had been ap-
pointed by the act to which this is a supplement.
SEC. 3. Repealed by 1824, ch. 147.
act re-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all those parts of the act
to which this is a supplement, that are repugnant to, or incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are
hereby repealed.
A further SOPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the relief of the
Poor of Caroline County.— 1824, ch. 147.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the third section of the act, entitled, an act for the relief
of the poor of Caroline county, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter seventeen, be, and
the same is hereby repealed.
Levy court
may allow
support —
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That all applications by or in be-
half of any person or persons, desirous of being maintained at
the public expense out of the poor-house of said county, shall
be made to one or more of the justices of the levy court of said
county ; and if said justice or justices shall be of opinion that
the person or persons applying or applied for, is or are so cir-
cumstanced as to render a situation in the poor-house particu-
larly unsuitable, the said justice or justices are hereby directed
to recommend such applicant or applicants to the levy court
of said county, at their next annual session ; and the said levy
court (if they, or a majority of them, shall be of opinion, that
the circumstances of the applicant or applicants are such as to
render a situation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable)
are hereby authorized and required to levy a sum of money
for the support of said applicant or applicants out of the poor-
house, not exceeding thirty dollars for any one applicant ; Pro-
vided, that the number of pensioners so to be supported out of
the poor-house, shall not at any one time exceed twenty, and
the money so levied shall be collected as other public moneys
are; and shall be paid to the said out- pensioner, or such other
person or persons for their use, as the said levy court shall
deem most suitable.
AN ACT to compensate the Trustees of the Poor of Caroline County, for
their services.— 1825, ch 36.
Repealed by 1835, ch. 111.
AN ACT to repeal all special Acts of Assembly, for the pecuniary relief of
Indigent Persons, by County Assessment, in Caroline County, and for
other purposes. — 1829, ch. 47.
Former acts
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all special acts of assembly, granting pecuniary relief to
indigent persons, by county assessments, and limiting the num-
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