think necessary, at the alms and work-house in the said county,
during the continuance of this act, to appoint a fit person to be
overseer of the said alms and work-house, and such other pro-
per officers and servants as to them shall appear necessary and
expedient, for carrying on the business of the said corporation ;
and they, or a majority of them, shall and may agree, and they
are hereby empowered, to hire and pay the said overseer, out
of the money levied and collected as aforesaid, a sum not ex-
ceeding two hundred dollars current money per annum, and so
pro rata during his continuance in office, with sufficient eating,
fire-wood, and house-room, for himself and family; but it is
expressly understood, that his family is at no time to exceed
four persons iia number to be fed at the public expense ; and
shall then take bond, which the said overseer, and any other
overseer hereafter to be appointed shall enter into, with good
and sufficient securities, in the penalty of one thousand dollars
current money, payable to the said trustees, and their succes-
sors, for the use of the poor, conditioned as follows, to wit:
cThe condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above
bound A. B. as overseer of the alms and work-house in Caro-
line county, shall well and truly discharge his duty in the said
station, during his continuance therein, according to the direc-
tions of the act of assembly, entitled, an act for the relief of the
poor of Caroline county, then the above obligation to be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law.'
See 1829, ch. 191, which alters the time of meeting.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That the said trustees or a ma-
jority of them, shall meet at the alms and work-house in the
said county, four times in the year to wit: on the first Monday
of April and July, and on the second Monday of October and
January, and oftener if necessary, to make and ordain all such
orders, rules and by-laws, as they shall think necessary for the
better government and support of such alms and work-house,
and also for the maintenance, support and employment, of all
such poor persons as shall be taken under their care, and of all
vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders, that shall be
committed thereto by virtue of this act, all which ordinances,
rules and by-laws, shall be from time to time inviolably
observed, by all persons concerned, according to the tonor and
effect thereof.
See preceding note.
Times of
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, or a
majority of them, shall and they are hereby directed and em-
powered, to remove such overseer, and all other officers to be
by them appointed in pursuance of this act, at their discretion,
and to choose others in their place.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That the said overseer shall
keep a fair and regular list of all poor, and of all beggars,
Overseer to
keep a list
of poor.