Work-house, to and for the reception and lodging of all such
vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders, as shall be
committed in virtue of this act.
To pur-
chase bed-
bing, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, or a
majority of them, shall, and they are hereby authorized and
directed, to purchase for the use and employment of the poor
of said county, and the vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and
other offenders, who shall be committed, by virtue of this
act, sufficient beds, bedding, woiking tools, kitchen utensils,
cows, horses, and other necessaries ; and the said trustees are
hereby directed and required, to keep a fair, distinct, and clear
account, in writing, of all the moneys by them teceived and
expended in virtue of this act, and to return a true copy
thereof, and shew and produce the vouchers to support the
same, to the justices of the levy court of said county, at one of
their sessions between the first Monday in Apiil and the first
Monday in June, yearly, and every year, to be by the said
court inspected and examined, which said accounts shall be
lodged with the clerk of Caroline county court.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the justices of the levy court
of the county aforesaid, at some one of their sessions after the
fust Monday of April next, and yearly and every year theie-
after, shall and they are hereby empowered and directed, to as-
sess and levy on the assessable property in said county, at the
time of making their county levy, such sum of money as the
said trustees, or a majority of them, shall or may deem abso-
lutely necessary and requisite to carry into effect the intentions
and provisions of this act, together with six per cent, for collect-
ing the same, to be collected and paid as other county levies
are, which said money, when collected, shall be paid by the
collector to the trustees of the poor, or to the order of them, or
a majority of them, under their common seal, who are hereby
authorized and required to receive and apply the same to and
for the use, benefit and charge, of maintaining the poor, va-
grants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders ; in the pur-
chasing provisions and other necessaries for their use and
labour: for paying a doctor for his salary and medicines; in
providing men and women servants to be under the direction
of the overseer of such alms and work-house, hereafter diiected
to be appointed ; for purchasing materials for the use and em-
ployment of all the poor, and all beggars, vagrants, vagabonds,
and other offenders, who shall be able to woik, and who shall
be eoinmitted by virtue of this act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That the said trustees, or a ma-
jority of them, shall and they are hereby authorized, directed
and required, to meet together between the first and tenth day
of April in each year, and at such other tiroes as they shall