Jump, senior ; which persons, or a majority of them, in case
of the death or absence of any, are hereby required to meet at
the poor-house of said county, on the first Monday of April
next, and then and there qualify for the office of trustees for
the poor of said county, which they are to do by taking the
following oath, or affirmation, (as the case may be:) (I, A. B.
do swear, or affirm, that I will duly and faithfully discharge the
duties and trusts committed to me as a trustee for the poor of
Caroline county, by an act of assembly, entitled, an act for the
relief of the poor of Caroline county, according to the best of
my skill and knowledge, so help me God ;' which oaths or
affirmations are to be administered by any of the persons last
named, to the person first named that shall be there present,
which person being sworn as aforesaid, shall administer the
oaths or affirmation aforementioned to all the rest, and so suc-
cessively the person first named that shall be present shall
always administer the oaths or affirmations to any that may
have been absent, or that shall hereafter be elected and chosen,
pursuant to the directions of this act, to supply the place of any
that shall be dead or removed out of the county, or any who
shall refuse or neglect to qualify and act as a trustee, when
elected and chosen pursuant to the directions of this act ; and
the aforesaid persons, or the majority of them, being sworn or
affirmed as aforesaid, shall be constituted and qualified as trus-
tees for the poor of said county, and as such are hereby vested
with full power and authority as a body politic, and shall be
capable in law to plead and be impleaded, sue and be sued, de-
fend and be defended, and answer and be answered, by the
name of The Trustees of the Poor of Caroline County, in all
and every cause, complaint and action, real, personal or mixed,
of whatever kind or nature it shall or may be, in any court of
record within this state ; and by that name they and any of
them, and their successors, shall and are hereby enabled to
take, hold, possess and enjoy, any gift, donation or present,
which shall or may hereafter be given, devised or bequeathed,
by any person or persons whatsoever, to them or any of them,
for or towards the support and maintenance of the poor of Hie
said county ; and they, or any of them, may receive by way of
subscription any sum or sums of money which shall or may be
given for the better and more speedy promoting the benefit and
good by this act intended, and that they have full power and
authority to purchase, lake, hold, receive, enjoy and have, to
them and their successors, for ever, any lands, tenements and
hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly value of three thou-
sand dollars current money, and are hereby empowered and
authorized to use one common seal in their business relating to
said corporation, and the same, if necessary, to change and