See 1833, ch. 254, ante page 1123, and 1837, ch. 31C, ante page 1263.
AN ACT to amend an Act to prevent the destruction of Oysters, in the
Waters of this State, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, chapter three hundred and ten, so far as the same relates
lo Caroline County. — 1838, ch. 35.
WHEREAS, it has been found by experience that the law
passed at the last session of the legislature to protect oysters in
the waters of this state, is unequal and oppiessive to the
citizens of Caroline county, for it has been conceded in all past
time that the navigable waters of a state are free to all her
citizens ; And whereas, by the act to which this is a supple-
ment, any vessel or vessels bound to, or from Baltimore, or
elsewhere, out of the great Choptank river, whose owners re-
side in Caroline county, and whose hands shall be found catch-
ing oysters within five hundred yards of the shores of either
Talbot or Dorchester counties, any such vessel or vessels and
cargoes shall be forfeited, &c.; therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the citizens of Caroline county shall have, enjoy and possess
the same rights and privileges to take or catch oysters in the
great Choptank and Nanticoke rivers and their tributary-
creeks, waters or streams, for the consumption of the citizens of
said county, and not for exportation out of this state, as the
citizens of the adjoining counties of Talbot and Dorchester
have, any thing in the act to which this is an additional supple-
ment to the contrary notwithstanding.
1788, ch. 14, and supplements, are repealed by 1817, ch. 102.
AN ACT for the relief of the Poor of Caroline County. — 1817, ch. 102.
The modifications of this law will be found in the succeeding acts on
this subject.
extended to
citizens of
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly, by the
petition of sundry inhabitants of Caroline county, that the ex-
isting law for the support of the poor of said county does not
answer the purpose for which it was intended ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That for the time being the several persons hereafter named,
be, and they are hereby appointed trustees for the poor within
the said county, and are empowered with full and sufficient
authority to discharge the several offices, duties and trusts, re-
posed in and required of them, by virtue of this act ; that is to
say, Col. William Potter, Edmond Pendleton, James Houston,
Richard Hughlett, Peter Willis, Jeremiah Rhodes and John