the use of the crier aforesaid, not exceeding one dollar and
fifty cents per day for every day that the register of wills shall
certify that the said crier acted as such.
AN ACT to encourage the destruction of Crows in this State. — 1831, ch 227.
See 'Calvert County,' ante page 1730.
AN ACT relating to Drovers, driving Cattle and Sheep, in and through
Caroline County .—1835, ch. 281.
WHEREAS, much trouble and loss has been experienced by
different individuals, citizens of Caroline county, for the want
of a law to compel drovers, driving cattle and sheep in and
through said county, to have said cattle and sheep marked so
as to enable any individual upon examining said drove, to take
from said drove any unmarked cattle or sheep that they may
discover in said drove ; therefore.
Drover to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of July next, it shall be the
duty of each and every drover or drovers, that shall drive any
cattle or sheep in or through Caroline county, to have each
and every such cattle and sheep so marked, with red paint or
tar on their forehead, that said mark may be easily discovered,
those not
and on failure thereof, said drover or drovers shall forfeit one-
half the value of such cattle and sheep as shall or may be
found in his or their drove unmarked, by any individual of
said county, and said individual is hereby authorized and em-
powered to take from said drove all the unmarked cattle or
sheep, and them safe keep.
To be ad-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the person or persons thus
arresting and taking from such drove any cattle or sheep under
the provisions of this act, provided, the same should not be his,
her or their own, it shall be his, her or their duty to advertise
said cattle or sheep, in some public newspaper, for not less
than three weeks ; And provided, that no owner shall then
appear, then and in that case such cattle or sheep shall be set
up and sold at public sale, one-half the net amount of such sale
to go to the person or persons so detecting, and the other half
to the levy court of Caroline county, to be applied to defraying
the county charges.
AN ACT regulating Fences in Dorchester and Caroline Counties — 1833,
ch. 119.
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly qf Maryland,
That from and after the first day of August next, corn fields,
and all grounds kept for enclosure in Dorchester and Caroline