appoint in each and every election district of Calvert county,
three discreet men, whose duty it shall be to select in their
respective neighbourhoods and districts such children as are
in their judgments entitled to the benefit of the fund) for es-
tablishing free schools, viz : — white orphan children without
property, and other indigent white children whose parents are
unable to pay for their tuition ; Provided) that in no instance
of scholars.
the amount for tuition shall exceed two dollars and fifty cents
per quarter ; And provided also, no commissioner shall be au-
thorized to pay for the board of any child, or children, by him
selected as entitled to the benefits of this fund.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
commissioners aforesaid, on or before the first of January in
each and every year, to return annually to the orphans court of
said county the number of children educated in their districts,
respectively, and the accounts of the different teachers by them
employed, under the oath of such teachers, to be settled and
paid by said court, and it shall be the duty of the register of
wills, under the direction of said court, to keep a book and to
copy all such accounts and reports made by said court as is
required by the act to which this is a supplement.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all acts of assembly or
such parts thereof as are inconsistent with or repugnant to the
provisions of this net, be, and the same are hereby repealed,
AN ACT for the encouragement of Primary Schools in Calvert County.
1837, ch. 176.
SEC. 1 . Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, an act to provide for public instruction
of youth in primary schools throughout this state, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter
one hundred and sixty-two, be, and the same is hereby ex-
tended to Calvei t county, and shall have effect and operation
Act of 1825
ch. 162, in
force in
C. C.
therein, subject to the restrictions and qualifications herein
after mentioned.
See ante page 838.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the orphans court shall ap-
point three commissioners of primary schools, in the several
districts respectively, and in case of any vacancy in the num-
ber of school commissioners, for either of the said districts by
sioners of
P. schools.
death, removal, resignation or otherwise, the county commis-
sioners shall have power to supply the said vacancy or vacan-
cies, until otherwise provided by law.
Case of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That each of the said commis-
sioners who may be appointed under the provisions of ibis act,
before proceeding to act in the discharge of their appropriate
duties, shall take the oath prescribed by the section of the act