either in favour of, or against the levy court, provided for by
this act, as if said suit or suits had been instituted by, or
against the said levy court.
Two from
each dis-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the members of the levy
court, shall be elected, two from each election district in said
Acts incon-
sistent here-
with re-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That so much of any acts of as-
sembly, as may be contrary to, or inconsistent with this act,
be, and the same are hereby repealed.
AN ACT to provide for the compensation of the Crier of Calvert County
Court.— 1837, ch. 243.
Levy $120
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the allowance, by law, of fees to the crier of Calvert county
court, be, and the same is hereby repealed, abrogated and
annulled, and the commissioners of the said county, are hereby
authorized and directed at their next meeting for laying the
county levy, and annually thereafter, to levy for the use of the
crier of the said court, on the assessable property in said
county, one hundred and twenty dollars, which shall be ia
lieu of all other allowance or compensation whatever, and the
same shall be collected and paid over as other public charges
are collected and paid, in the said county.
Levy of 6 1/4
cts. for each
AN ACT to encourage the destruction of Crows in this State. — 1831, ch 227.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if any peison residing in this state, shall bring to any
justice of the peace in the county wherein the person or per-
sons residing, the head of any crow or crows, killed after the
passage of this act, such person shall, for every such head, be
allowed in the county levy of said county, the sum of six and
a quarter cents for each head, and the justice of the peace
before whom such head or heads shall be brought, is hereby
required to give the person or persons bringing the same a cer-
tificate thereof, and cause the said head or heads to be burned
or otherwise destroyed in the presence of the person or per-
sons on delivery.
Oath re-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no person whatsoever, shall
be eptitled to any allowance for any such head or heads, with-
out first making oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, that
such crow or crows were taken and killed in the state of Mary-
land, where such certificate is applied for, since the passage of
this act, and that no certificate hath been obtained from any
other justice of the peace for the same ; and that it shall be the
duty of each and every justice of the peace, before whom such