AN ACT relating to the Stone Quarries on the Falls Turnpike Road, near
Baltimore.— 1822, ch. 66.
-WHEREAS, a dangerous and alarming practice has prevailed
at the stone quarries on the Falls road, near Baltimore, of
making explosions without regard to the safety of travellers ;
SEC. i. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, the proprietors
of all the quart ies on either side of the Falls turnpike road,
between the second mile stone on said road and the city of
Baltimore, be, and they aie hereby required to cause notice to
be given, by means of a bell of such size and sound as may be
heard at the distance of six hundred yards, of each and every
explosion or blast, at least five minutes before any such explo-
sion or blast shall be made.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for each and every violation
or neglect of the provision of this act, the proprietor (or tenant,
in case of lease) of the quarry wherein such neglect or viola-
tion shall occur, be, and he is hereby subject to a fine of ten
dollars, to be recovered by warrant before any justice of the
peace of Baltimore county or city; the whole to go to the
See 1826, ch 217, ante page 1650, and 1827, ch. 167, ante page 1652,
title, 'County Commissioners.'
AN ACT to declare certain Trespasses Felony, and for other purposes.
1826, ch 260.
Repealed as to Baltimore County, by 1827, ch. 51, ante page 923.
AN ACT regulating Damages in cases of Suits for Trespass done by Stock,
so far as relates to Baltimore County. — 1837, ch. 287.
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of June, eighteen hundred
and thirty-eight, all damages claimed for trespass done by
stock, shall be made within ten days after such trespass shall
have been made.
must be
within tea
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon complaint being made
to any acting justice of the peace, for trespass committed by
horses, hogs, sheep, or any other kind of stock, he shall forth-
with summons two well qualified, impartial and disinterested
persons to examine into the extent of damages done, and value
or assess the same, to the best of their judgments, and if it
persons to
shall be found that the fence or fences of the complainant are
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