tion to
SEC. 2. Ana* be it enacted, That in all cases where any per-
son shall be so delivered by the sheriff to the warden of the
said jail for safe keeping, or committed for want of special bail,
the said warden shall be entitled to receive for the use of the
visitors and governors of the jail of Baltimore county, from the
plaintiff or plaintiffs, at whose suit such person shall be so held
in custody or so impiisoned, the sum of twenty cents daily for
every day that such prisoner shall be confined, which shall be
paid to the warden aforesaid, while such person shall be con-
fined in jail, to defray the cost of sufficient food for the use of
such imprisoned debtor, and for his maintenance, and if any
plaintiff at whose suit any debtor shall be so impiisoned in the
to pay.
said jail, shall omit for three days after notice to him or his agent
or attorney, to pay the amount to which the said warden shall
be entitled, in vittue of this act, any justice of the peace for
Baltimore city or county, on being cei tided of such omission,
under the hand of the said warden, and that such person is not
imprisoned for any other cause than debt, may and shall, by
an order signed by him, direct the said warden to release the
shall be
said imprisoned debtor from confinement, which order shall be
obeyed by the warden, and shall be a sufficient justification of
him, for teleasing such person from prison.
Diet— bed-
ding, &c —
of lot.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the visitors and governors
of the jail of Baltimore county be, and they are hereby autho-
rized to regulate the diet of the prisoners and other persons
committed to said jail, procure necessary bedding lor then use,
and to cause to be cultivated the grounds belonging and at-
tached thereto, for the purpose of raising the necessary vegeta-
bles for the use of the persons confined as aforesaid.
See 1832, ch. 183, ante page 1692, title, 'Gaol,' by which prisoners are to
be discharged on the non-payment of the prison per diem.
AN ACT relating to the Sheriff of Baltimore County.— 1828, ch. 188.
WHEREAS, the sheriff of Baltimore county is lequired by
law to attend in person, or by deputy, in several courts in the
city of Baltimore, of which courts two, and often more, will
be in session at the same time, for which no compensation is
allowed by law ; therefore,
to sheriff
fur attend-
ing courts.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the sheriff of Baltimore county shall be and he is hereby
allowed two dollars per day, for every day which he shall
attend in Baltimore county, or in Baltimore city court, in per-
son, or by deputy, in pursuance of any provision of law, except
during the two county terms of April and November, which
allowance shall be levied, collected and paid, in the same man-
ner as other expenses of each of the respective courts.