inspected, packed and branded, according to the directions of
this act ;* and the certificate shall express the number of barrels
half barrels and tierces thus shipped, the kind and quality of the
fish they contain, with the name of the master or owner, and the
name of the vessel in which such fish are received for exporta-
tion ;f and every such master or owner shall take and subscribe
the following oath, or affimation, as the case may be, before the
officer authorized as aforesaid; 'I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, ac-
cording to the best of my knowledge and belief, the certificate
hereunto annexed contains the whole quantity of pickled and
barrelled fish on board the —— , —— master, and that no fish is
shipped on board said vessel for the ship's company, or on
frieight or cargo, but what is inspected and branded according
to the law of this state; so help me God.'
•By ch. 170, this provision is not to extend to persons sending fish from
the fisheries in Potomac to Virginia or the District of Columbia.
t By 1818, ch. 99, one cent and an half to be paid by the master or
owner for every barrel, half barrel, or tierce of fish, mentioned in the
Penalty for
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if any master of a vessel
so doing.
or other person, shall put or receive on board any vessel, or
other carriage of conveyance, to transport the same from this
state, any pickled or salted fish, packed in casks which are not
inspected and branded in manner by this act prescribed, he, she
or they, on conviction, shall forfeit and pay not less than five
dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, for each and every barrel,
half barrel or tierce, of such uninspected fish.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said inspector, or his
not to
fish except
for family
deputy, shall not purchase directly or indirectly, any salted fish
by them, or either of them respectively condemned, or any fish
whatever other than for their family's use ; nor shall they, or
either of them, directly or indirectly, be concerned in making,
vending or furnishing, any cask or casks, for the purpose of
packing, re-packing, or curing any fish brought to, packed in, or
exported from, the city or port of Baltimore ; nor shall they, or
either of them, be concerned in the cooperage of any, cask con-
taining fish that shall be inspected in said city ; nor shall they,
or either of them, vend or furnish any salt for the curing or
salting any fish that are or shall be inspected in the city of
Baltimore, under the penalty of forfeiting and paying for every
offence five dollars.
Penalty for
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if any person shall alter,
sump, &c.
erase or deface, the mark or brand of the inspector upon any
barrel, half barrel or tierce, or shall mark or brand any barrel,
half barrel or tierce of fish, which hath not been inspected,
with any mark or brand similar to, or in imitation of, the in-
spector's mark or brand, or after the said inspector shall have