SEC. 35. Merged in 1809, ch. 138.
SEC. 36. Established the salary of the Chief Justice.
SEC. 37. As to the commencement of the act.
AN ACT to provide for the Administration of Justice in cases of Crimes
and Misdemeanors in the City and County of Baltimore. — 1799, ch. 58.
SEC.1. See notes to 1793, ch. 57, ante page 1445.
SEC.2, 3. Contained details to transfer the causes pending in the court
organized by 1793, ch. 57, to the court created by this act.
One justice
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any one of the said justices
may call
court, &c.
shall have power to call and hold the said courts, and to adjourn
the same from day to day, and one of the said justices, in court
sitting, may empannel and charge the grand jury, and direct
process to issue on any presentment or indictment found in the
said court, or on any petition or complaint exhibited to the said
court, and he may direct subpoenas to issue for witnesses to
attend the said court, or attachments of contempt to issue against
witnesses or jurors for non-attendance, and he may direct any
witnesses to be sworn to the grand jury, and receive any pre-
sentment or indictment from the grand jury, and take recogni-
zances for the appearance of witnesses, or any person presented
or indicted, and he may commit any person presented or in-
dicted for want of security; and any two of the said justices
may adjourn the said court to any time they may think proper.
SEC. 5, 6, 7. Merged in 1816, ch. 193, sec. 9, 10, 11.
SEC.8. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
to witnesses
for the said justices to allow to every person legally summoned
to give evidence before them one dollar for every day's atten-
dance, and if such witness resides out of the said county, the
said justices may allow him for so many days itinerant charges
as they shall think reasonable, at the rate of five shillings per
day, and the same shall be paid in the same manner as allow-
ances to witnesses in criminal cases are or shall be by law
directed to be paid.
By 1816, ch. 193, sec. 11, the per diem to the witnesses fixed at $1 for
every day's allowance.
SEC. 9, 10, 11. Provide for the transfer of former jurisdiction, and com-
pensation to the Chief Justice, and the court expenses.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That all and singular the clauses,
Sec. con-
tinued, &c.
sections and provisions, contained in the act passed at Novem-
ber session) seventeen hundred and ninety-three, entitled, an
act respecting the punishment of criminals, except such as shall
herein after be repealed, and such as are inconsistent with this
act, and except also such part thereof as are repealed by the
operation of an act of assembly passed at November session,
seventeen hundred and ninety-six,* entitled, an act to erect
Baltimore town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and incor-