escaped and come into Baltimore county, and have been taken
up as vagrants ; Be it enacted, That any two or more of the
adjudged to
labour, &o.
said justices may adjudge any person, condemned in any of the
United States to labour, as a punishment for any crime, to serve
and labour as a criminal, according to this act, for any term not
exceeding the residue of the term for which such person shall
have been condemned, and which condemnation shall appear to
the said justices by the record of conviction; but if such person
shall be demanded by the state from whence he escaped, he
shall be immediately delivered agreeably to such demand.
This section was repealed by 1799, ch. 58; 1800, ch. 31, and re-enacted
by 1809, ch. 138, sec. 7, ante page 580.
SEC. 26, 27. Merged in 1816, ch. 193, sec. 12 and 19.
SEC. 28, 29. Merged in 1809, ch. 138, ante page 572.
SEC, 30. And be it enacted, Where any witness may be or
reside in any other county in this state, the said justices, or any
may issue
for wit-
county court, shall have full power to issue subpoena for such
nesses, &c.
witness, directed to the sheriff of the county where such wit-
ness shall reside, and such sheriff shall serve and return the
same ; and if any person, so summoned, shall neglect to attend,
attachment may issue against him, directed as aforesaid, and by
virtue thereof, the sheriff shall be obliged to have the body of
such witness before the court issuing such attachment ; and in
case of neglect or delay, by such sheriff, to serve and return
such subpoena or attachment, and to have the body of such wit-
ness, such sheriff may be fined by the court issuing such pro-
cess ; and every process and subpcena issued from one county
to another shall be forwarded by the sheriff of the county issu-
ing the same, and he shall be allowed by the justices of his
county a reasonable compensation for his trouble.
See 1816, ch. 193, sec. 11, and process act, 1817, ch. 139.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, If any person shall commit any
Court may
crime or offence in any county of which he is not an inhabi-
issue pro-
cess, &c.
tant, or if any person shall commit any crime or offence in the
county of which he is an inhabitant, and shall remove after the
commission of such crime or offence, and shall be presented or
indicted in the county where the crime or offence shall have
been committed, the court before whom such presentment or
indictment shall be found, shall have power to issue process
against such person, directed to the sheriff of the county where
such person shall reside, and such sheriff shall serve and return
such process in the same manner as if issued by the county
court of his county ; and in case of neglect or delay in such
sheriff to execute and return such process, he may be fined by
the court issuing such process.
SEC. 32, 33, 34. Gave power over 'Night Watch' and Dogs, to the
court, which was transferred to the corporation.