within the city and precincts, and for regulating the sweeping
of any chimney, by the neglect of which the safely of the city
may be endangered, and to ascertain the width of those to be
built in the city v to establish and regulate fire wards and fire
companies ; to regulate and establish the size of bricks that are
to be used in the houses to be built in the city; to erect and
regulate pumps in the streets, lanes, and alleys ; to impose and
appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures, for the breach of their
by-laws or ordinances ; to lay and collect taxes,* not exceeding
two dollars in the hundred pounds in any one year, except as
before is excepted; to enact by-laws for the prevention and
extinguishment of fire ; and to pass all ordinances necessary
to give effect and operation to all the powers vested in the cor-
poration of the city of Baltimore; Provided, that the by-laws
or ordinances of the said corporation shall be in no wise obliga-
tory upon the persons of non-residents of the said town, being
citizens of this state, unless in cases of intentional violation of
by-laws or ordinances previously promulgated ; all the fines,
penalties, and forfeitures imposed by the ordinances of the cor-
poration of the city of Baltimore, if not exceeding twenty dol-
lars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate, as small debts
are by law recoverable ; and if such fines, penalties and for-
feitures do exceed the sum of twenty dollars, then to be reco-
vered by action of debt in Baltimore county court,f in the name
of the corporation, and for the use of the city of Baltimore,
General powers of taxation are given by 1827, ch. 183.
See third section of supplement, 1805, ch. 108,
* Limitation removed, 1817, ch. 148, sec. 4.
t Baltimore city court, by 1817, ch. 148, sec. 6.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the powers and authority
Town Com-
vested in the town commissioners, special commissioners and
port-wardens, heretofore appointed by law for Baltimore town,
&c. cease.
except the authority of the town Commissioners to hold elec-
tions agreeably to the constitution and form of government,
shall cease and determine as soon as this act shall be in force
and operation ; and the corporation of the city of Baltimore are
hereby declared to possess, and may provide for the exercise of
all powers and authorities now tested in the said town commis-
sioners, special commissioners and port-wardens, except the
holding of elections for delegates to the general assembly— but
no rights acquired tinder the acts of the aforesaid boards shall be
annulled, impaired, avoided or restrained, by any act of the said
corporation. And immediately npon the operation of this act,
and organization of the corporation contemplated thereby, the
records, papers, proceedings, moneys, accounts and all other
matters and things appertaining to the said commissioners of
Baltimore, special commissioners, and port- wardens, shall be