If the mayor
don't ap-
ordinances or acts, he shall return the same within five days,
with his reasons in writing therefor, and if three fourths of
both branches of the city council, on re-consideration thereof,
approve of the ordinance or law, it shall then be an ordinance
or law, to all intents and purposes; and if any ordinance or
Jaw shall not be returned by the mayor within five days after it
shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in
like manner as if he had approved it, unless the city council,
by their adjournment prevent its return.
*First Monday in January, by 1817, ch, 148, sec. 2.
t Two-thirds, by 1817, ch. 148, sec. 2.
Power of
the corpo-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the corporation aforesaid
shall have full power and authority to enact and pass all laws
and ordinances necessary to preserve the health of the city,
prevent and remove nuisances ; to prevent the introduction of
contagious diseases within the city, and within three miles of
the same; to establish night watches or patrols, and erect
lamps; to provide for a general survey of the city and precincts ;
to ascertain when necessary, the boundaries and location of
streets, lots, lanes and alleys thereof; to establish new streets,
lanes and alleys, with the consent of the proprietors of the
ground, and to alter and to straighten streets, lanes and alleys,
with the consent of the proprietors of the lots or houses adjoin-
ing such streets, lanes and alleys ; to provide for the preserva-
tion of the navigation of the basin, and Patapsco river within
the limits of the city of Baltimore, and four miles thereof; for
cleaning and deepening the basin and docks, and for regulating
the station, anchoring and mooring of vessels: but no tax,
direct or indirect, shall be laid on that part of Baltimore, called
Deptford Hundred, for the preservation of the navigation of the
basin, or for cleaning or deepening the basin or docks therein ;
to provide for licensing and regulating auctions and pawnbro-
kers within the city and precincts thereof; (o restrain or prohibit
gaming, and to provide for licensing, regulating or restraining
theatrical or other public amusements within the city or pre-
cincts ; to erect and repair bridges ; to pave and keep in repair
all necessary drains and sewers, and to pass all regulations
necessary for the preservation of the same ; to establish and
regulate inspections within the city, subject to the future acts of
the general assembly ; to regulate and fix the assize of bread ;
(o provide for the safe keeping and preservation of the standard
of weights and measures fixed by congress, and for the regu-
lating thereby all weights and measures used within the city
and precincts ; to regulate party walls and partition fences ; to
erect and regulate markets ; to provide for licensing and regu-
lating (with the consent of the Maryland Insurance Fire Com-
pany) the sweeping of chimneys, and fixing the rates thereof