the clerk of the county court, expressing the number of days
which any juryman may have attended, and the sum due to
him for such attendance, shall be a sufficient authority to the
cashier of the said bank to piy the amount so specified in the
said certificate.
She. 3. And be it enacted, That the said justices of the levy
Accounts to
coiut shall, annually, settle and balance their account with the
be annually
settled with
said bank, and the surplus, if any, to be applied by the said
justices to the use and benefit of the said county.
SEC. 4 And be it enacted. That until the said sum of money
Until mo-
shall be so as aforesaid levied and collected, the justices of the
ney is levied
levy court of the said county shall and they aie hereby autho-
to be de-
rized to defray the allowance of jurymen of the said county
frayed out
of money
court, out of the money belonging to Anne Arundel county,
to county
deposited in the Farmers Bank of Maryland, to be diawn there-
in bank
from by a certificate, signed by the clerk of the county, ill the
manner above directed.
AN ACT to exempt certain Persons from serving as Jurors in the Courts of
Anne Arundel County — 1828, ch 106
Sec 1 Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the justices of the
from ser-
orphans court, and the commissioners for Anne Arundel county,
ving as
be and they are hereby exempt from serving as jurors in the
courts of Anne Arundel county
SEC 2 And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful here-
Not to be
after for the sheriff of Anne Arundel county, to summon either
a justice of the orphans court, or a commissioner for Anne
Arundel county, to serve as a juror m the county courts of said
AN ACT to establish the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace and Consta-
bles residing in the City of Annapolis, and Justices of the Peace and
Constables of Anne Arundel County, in certain cases therein mentioned.
1826, ch 75
WHEREAS, great inconvenience and injury have been expe-
nenced by citizens of Anne Arundel county, in consequence of
the liability of their persons to seizure under warrants and Exe-
cutions whilst within the limits of the city of Annapolis, for
the recovery of small debts previously contracted in said city;
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
No justice
That from and after the passage of this act, no justice of the
or constable
in Annnpo-
peace or constable residing in the city of Annapolis, shall have
lis to have
jurisdiction over the persons of citizens resident of Anne Arun-
over resi-
del county, whilst within the limits of said city, by issuing or
solving warrants, or capias ad satisfacieudum, against citizens
dents in
Anne Arun-
del county