who is a freeholder of said county, or who is enabled to obtain
a livelihood by application to any honest and lawful occupation ;
or who has not for one year immediately preceding his or her
application, been a resident of the county aforesaid ; or who is
in the habit of debasing himself or herself by frequent intoxica-
tion, and other demoralizing vices, or who is not a naturalized
citizen of the United States.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Revise the
commissioners for Anne Arundel county, carefully to examine
the list of out county pensioners and to expunge therefrom,
every one whose case does not come within the provisions oif
the preceding section.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That every person shall have the
Right to
light to petition the commissioners of Anne Arundel county, to
be placed upon the list of out county pensioners, and it shall be
their duty to examine his or her petition fully and impartially
and decide thereon, accoiding to the provisions contained in
the second section of this act.
SEC 5. And be it enacted, That in no instance whatever,
shall the commissioners levy for the support of any individual,
upon the assessable property of Anne Arundel county, a sum
exceeding thirty dollars; and that they shall grade the sum to
be levied according to the necessity and wants of the per-
sons applying, as they in their judgment may think right and
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all laws which are incon-
sistent with this act, or in any wise militate against it, be and
the same are hereby repealed, so far as they may relate to Anne
Arundel county.
AN ACT relating to the duties of the Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County.— 1832, ch. 26.
WHEREAS, in a government where the people are recognized
as the only legitimate source of power, they have at all time a
right to know the manner in which their public agents have
discharged the duties entrusted to them; therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Anne Arundel county be, and they are
hereby required to cause to be published annually in the dif-
ferent papers at Annapolis, on or before the first day of June,
the amount levied on said county to defray the expenses thereof,
all disbursements made, and the purposes to which the same
have been applied.