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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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or owners, shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars, the same


shall be recovered in the same manner as other small debts are


now by law recovered.




AN ACT to abolish the Levy Court and Commissioners of the Tax for


Anne Arundel County, and for other purposes. — 1828, ch. 21.


SEC. 1. The governor and council directed to appoint, annually, seven


persons, to be styled commissioners for Anne Arundel county, who were


substituted for the levy court and commissioners of the tax. By 1838, ch.


273, the commissioners are to be elected by the people.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That every commissioner ap-

sioners to
take an

pointed as aforesaid, shall, before he enters on the duties of his


office, take and subscribe, before some judge or justice of the


peace, an oath, or affirmation, that he will faithfully, diligently


and impartially, exercise the powers, and perform the duties, of


commissioners for Anne Arundel county, as authorized and en-


joined by law, according to the best of his skill and judgment,


without being influenced by favour, affection, hatred, malice or


ill will, and that he will, in making all appointments to office,


vote for such persons, among those willing to accept, as in his


judgment and belief shall be most capable and best qualified to


perform the duties of such office, which oath shall be recorded


in a book to be kept among the records of Anne Arundel county




SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners appointed


as aforesaid, and their successors, shall be, and they are hereby


constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and


title, of the commissioners for Anne Arundel county, and by


that name shall have continued and perpetual succession, and


be capable in law of suing and being sued, of making and


using a corporate seal, and of altering the same, of taking, hold-


ing, selling and conveying, all kinds of estates, property and


effects, and of doing all such acts as shall be necessary to the


exercise of all the powers which are or shall be vested in them


by this act, or by any other act of assembly, as fully and effec-


tually as corporate bodies may or can lawfully and rightfully do.

Powers of

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That when and as soon as the

levy court
vested in

commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid, shall have taken


and subscribed the oath, or affirmation, herein before described,


all the powers, rights and privileges, lawfully exercised by, and


all property, estates and effects, vested in the justices of the


levy court of Anne Arundel county, shall be transferred to, and


vested in, the commissioners for Anne Arundel county, who, or


any four of them, shall thereafter exercise all the powers, rights


and privileges, and shall perform all the duties required by the


existing laws to be performed by the said justices of the levy


court of Anne Arundel county, and no appointment for justices



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1358   View pdf image (33K)
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