BOUNDARIES.-— 1698, ch, 13; 1726, ch. 1 ; Oct. 1777, ch. 7; 1823, ch. 183,
AN ACT for the Valuation of Real and Personal Properly in Anne Arundel
County.— 1832, ch. 139.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Anne Arundel county, be, and they
sioners di-
rected to
are hereby authorized and directed immediately after the pas-
re- assess.
sage of this act, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, to
proceed agreeably to the provisions of an act passed at Novem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, an act for
the valuation of real and personal property in the several coun-
ties of this state, to re value and re-assess the real and personal
property in said county.
Note.— For 1812, ch. 191, see Baltimore County, title 'Assessment.1
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners be,
To be com-
and they are hereby required to complete the said assessment,
pleted by
and make return thereof agreeably to the provisions of the
1st Sept
before mentioned act, on or before the first of September next,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding, and that all county
levies shall thereafter be made from said assessment ; Provided
nevertheless, and it is hereby further enacted. That all real and
personal property, required to be assessed by this act, shall be
valued and assessed at the full value thereof in ready money,
Property to
any thing in any act, to the contrary hereof notwithstanding;
be valued at
full value.
And provided also, that every assessor shall before he enters
upon the duties of his office, take the following oath, or affirma-
tion, as the case may be, viz: I, A. B. do swear or affirm, that
Oath of
I will well and truly execute the duty of an assessor, and will
faithfully, justly and impartially value all the real and personal
property which I may be appointed to value, according to the
best of my skill and knowledge.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That instead of one collector of
Four col-
the county taxes as now appointed, the commissioners of Anne
hereafter to
Arundel county, shall hereafter appoint four collectors, one of
be ap-
whom shall be the collector of county taxes in the first and
second election districts ; and another shall be the collector of
county taxes in the third and fourth election districts; and
another shall be the collector of county taxes in the fifth and
sixth election districts ; and another shall be the collector
of county taxes in the seventh election district of said county;
and the said collectors shall give bond with security for the
Powers and
faithful discharge of their duties in the form now prescribed by